Php json decode as class
Php json decode as class

php json decode as class php json decode as class

Prior to PHP 5.3. The jsondecode function was also pretty similar in the way that it returned NULL whenever it received malformed / incorrect JSON strings. Normally, json_decode() will return an object of \stdClass if the top level item in the JSON object is a dictionary or an indexed array if the JSON object is an array. If the depth of your PHP array was too deep, then it would return a FALSE value. If the JSON failed to be decoded or the JSON is deeper than given depth then null gets returned. When true, false, or null is passed for JSON, the function returns same true, false, or null respectively. The json_decode() function takes a JSON-encoded string as its first parameter and parses it into a PHP variable. The JSON string has been converted to an object and we can treat it like any other object in PHP. The jsondecode () function decodes the JSON string to appropriate PHP type based on the parameter.

php json decode as class

The jsonencode() function returns the JSON representation of a value. Type juggling and Non-Strict Comparison Issues PHP allows us to encode and decode JSON by the help of jsonencode() and jsondecode functions.php mysqli affected rows returns 0 when it should return a positive integer.


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  • Php json decode as class